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Mike Bertucci
Co-Owner and Lead Trainer


Mike was born and raised in Washington State. He grew up and spent the majority of his life in the Northwest. After serving in the United States Air Force he moved to Ellensburg, WA and received his bachelor’s degree in Law and Justice from Central Washington University.

Mike worked in law enforcement as a police officer for over 25 years. During his time as a police officer, he served in the role of patrol officer, field training officer, detective, union president, patrol supervisor, narcotics supervisor, and special operations supervisor. In addition to his normal police duties, Mike spent 21 years assigned to the Valley SWAT team in the Northwest as a police sniper. During his time on the team as a Sniper Team Leader, he planned and participated in over 1,000 sniper missions.

Mike is currently the Washington State Tactical Officers Association (WSTOA) Sniper Advisor, as well as the American Sniper Association (ASA) region 5 representative for the Northwest (AK, ID, MT, NE, ND, OR, SD, WA, WY). He has also been the lead instructor for Washington State basic and advanced sniper schools and is an adjunct instructor for Derrick Bartlett, ASA President and founder of Snipercraft Inc - Florida.

Mike is passionate about training and teaching snipers the skills they need to go out and protect the communities they serve.

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